Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Scrutiny Of Race And Beauty Within The Bluest Eye

The Scrutiny of Race and Beauty within The Bluest Eye One of the significant themes that Morrison s, The Bluest Eye scrutinizes is the relationship between race and beauty. Rather how the predominant racial society’s point of view about beauty serves to degrade, ignore, and criticize different races by that compelling the affection of the domineering group by attaining the constancy of its eminence over less popular groups viewed by society. The Bluest Eye depicts the story of an eleven-year-old black girl, Pecola Breedlove, who desires have blue eyes on the grounds that she sees herself and is viewed by most of the characters in this novel as â€Å"ugly.† The standard of â€Å"beauty† that her peers aspire is personified by the young white child actress, Shirley Temple, who has desirable blue eyes. White standards of beauty, an affection of the â€Å"blue-eyed, blonde haired look, are forced upon black individuals from society, who personalize such social standards, tolerating rejection as real, and undeniable, an d, being not able to meet such standards, are degraded in their own eyes, producing self-hatred, and internalized racial disgust. This perception of their own inadequacy and the mediocrity of their race, when all is said, is strengthened every day through their connections with white individuals and admired culture in their general surroundings. Morrison reveals insight into the shielded and implicit truth that everybody to some degree is racist. In The Bluest Eye, by utilizing

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